Sunday, May 17, 2009

Singing Concert

Hallie is in a singing group here in town. They had a concert last week and here are a few pictures from it. She loves having her friends in there with her. We gave her flowers after the show. We started giving her flowers after concerts but it started to be too much, so last time I decided to skip the flowers and she asked me if she did a bad job and didn't deserve them. So, we are back to giving flowers. Hallie doesn't like me to hear the songs before the concerts, but she did tell me all the music they were singing was "old" music. So I felt very old when the "old" music was 80's music and she was amazed that I knew the songs.


Anonymous said...

How cute! I love her hair. It's so pretty. Carlee is 2 1/2 and still doesn't have a lot of hair. I'm not sure I'll know how to do it when it grows in.

Parker Family said...

Your little girl has GORGEOUS hair!!