Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Carson helping in the kitchen

This year we decided to try and grow a garden. It has been great, but I think we did a few too many zucchini plants. We can't eat them fast enough. Today I decided to make a bunch of zucchini bread. About half way through I got a phone call and left the kitchen to talk. When I came back about two minutes later this is what I found. Carson had gotten into the butter and it was all over him, the walls, the floor and there was even some on the ceiling. He seemed to think he was really funny. After MANY hours of cleaning (and some crying), I think my kitchen is finally clean.


Anonymous said...

Butter is the worst because it doesn't come off very easily.

Jodi said...

Oh my gosh!!! AHHH....soooo greasy and that takes forever to get cleaned!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I am exhausted thinking of how long that must have taken to clean. Good job capturing the moment to show him what he put you through!ha

*Ashleigh* said...

Kristen, so here I am tracking down some "old" (and by old I mean young ;D) friends after loosing all my contacts on my blog, grrr. So anyway long story short, I don't know why I didn't have you on my blog already... but I just added you and would like to extend an invite to you (since I'm private) so email me and I'll invite you to view our boring life!